system environment/daemons

389-ds-base-libs - Core libraries for 389 Directory Server

License: GPLv3+
Vendor: Scientific Linux
Core libraries for the 389 Directory Server base package.  These libraries
are used by the main package and the -devel package.  This allows the -devel
package to be installed with just the -libs package and without the main package.


389-ds-base-libs- [678 KiB] Changelog by Mark Reynolds (2021-02-25):
- Bump version to
- Resolves: Bug 1909342 - DS crash in deref plugin while dereferencing an entry that exists but that is not returned by internal search
- Resolves: Bug 1921856 - “write” permission of ACI changes ns-slapd’s behavior on search operation 
- Resolves: Bug 1881968 - Replication Lag under high load
389-ds-base-libs- [677 KiB] Changelog by Mark Reynolds (2021-01-07):
- Bump version to
- Resolves: Bug 1905450 - Internal unindexed search crashes the server
389-ds-base-libs- [675 KiB] Changelog by Mark Reynolds (2020-12-03):
- Bump version to
- Resolves: Bug 1904145 - group rdn with leading space char and add fails error 21 invalid syntax and delete fails error 32
- Resolves: Bug 1902042 - Entries conflict not resolved by replication
389-ds-base-libs- [677 KiB] Changelog by Mark Reynolds (2020-10-21):
- Bump version to
- Resolves: Bug 1870624 - RHDS - allow more than 1 empty AttributeDescription for ldapsearch, without the risk of denial of service
- Resolves: Bug 1876028 - errors log with incorrectly formatted message parent_update_on_childchange on PARENTUPDATE_DEL
- Resolves: Bug 1860008 - On ADD replication URP issue internal searches with filter containing unescaped chars

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7